The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships. Or in reverse it is the quality of our relationships that will ultimately will determine the quality of our lives. It doesn’t matter how much you perform or how successful you are this is where the legacy really stands.
And why is it more difficult today? Friendship hasn’t really changed that much, sibling relationships haven’t really changed that much, a relationship with your dentist hasn’t really changed that much. If there is a relationship that has really transformed in a very short amount of time, it is the “Couple” and therefore also the “Family”.
Knowing yourself is the first step on the path to success in all aspects of life. Communication is the core of all we are and all we do. All our problem situations start with poor, improper or even no communication with ourselves and with others. However, we are never really taught how to effectively communicate which creates that barrier to getting what we want whether from our personal relationships, our jobs, and even ourselves, and so creating problems in areas of our life such as…